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Eye tracking is the process of measuring either the point of gaze (where one is looking) or the motion of an eye relative to the head. An eye tracker is a device for measuring eye positions, eye movements and pupil dilation. Eye tracking is used in many fields such as Psychology, Gaming, Cognitive Psychology, Human Factors, Neuropsychology, Psychiatry, Sport Sciences, Clinical Psychology, Usability, Ergonomics, Human Computer Interactions, Autism, Neurological Disorders, Neurosciences, Vision Re
Displays the most attractive elements of the image for consumers in the form of "hot" and "cold" spots creating so called heat map.
Displays movement sequence, order and duration of gaze fixation. Displays gaze motion of each respondent separately.
An Area/Region of Interest (AOI/ROI), is an edited area where the metrics are calculated such as total fixation time, entry time, first fixation etc...
The AOI Sequence Chart shows the temporal order at which AOIs were hit by a particular participant. It is a very powerful tool to analyze Areas of interest of multiple participants across the time
The automatic visual pattern search tool is able to analyze the similar patterns among large volume of data. If you have any hypothesis based on a specific pattern, you can also enter the pattern details and check how many times it appeared in the experiment
In the 1950s Alfred L. Yarbus published important eye tracking research and his 1967 book is often quoted in the field. He showed the task given to a subject has a very large influence on their eye movements, meaning that the behaviour of an observer can be predicted through their eye movements. He also wrote about the relation between fixations and attention. During fixations, the brain is processing and taking information unless saccades event which are mainly used to search information.
Capture visual attention in real-world environment. Eye tracking glasses record world video and gaze data and allow you to analyze what attracts or not customers attention on the field and better understand consumer behavior and decision making process.
Capture visual attention in front of a screen/monitor. With or without chin rest, desktop eye trackers are very powerful to test and assess website and advertising performances and consumer engagement.
Capture visual attention in full immersion with 360deg contents or virtual reality models (Unity). Be more productive and cost effective and generate any environment as much as you want in a few clics. Increase the volume of data and quality of your studies.
Capture visual attention in real-world with wide eye tracking range and non-intrusive system.
Capture attention and head position with a unique and all in one wearable system.
The Paris Eye Tracking academy is composed of a unique group of highly cited, senior researchers from different scientific disciplines, including: Marketing, Psychology, Neuroscience, Ergonomics, Sport, Autism, Vision Research. Collectively they have a deep understanding of the principles, applications and benefits of eye tracking. The main goal of the Academy is to organise regular workshops and training courses in Paris so that the researchers can share their knowledge and experience.
The 20th European Conference on Eye Movements, ECEM 2019, will take place from Sunday, August 18th, to Thursday, August 22nd, in Alicante, Spain.
Over its more than three-decade long history, ECEM has grown to become the largest scientific meeting on eye movement research worldwide. The conference brings together a vibrant community of researchers working towards a better understanding of eye movements, and their use in the study of a wide range of topics in neuroscience, cognitive science and various applied fields.
ECEM goal is to promote communication and cooperation between participants from diverse areas, such as neurophysiology, psychology, medical sciences, linguistics, computer science, human factors and many others. An important feature of ECEM is the presentation of state of the art equipment and software by manufacturers of eye movement recording systems.
ESSEM brings together internationally renowned researchers to teach students of all levels in the scientific foundations of eye movement research and the design and analysis of eye movement studies in basic (psychology, neuroscience), clinical (psychiatry, neurology) and industrial (marketing, economics, usability) settings. This event happens every 2 years. Next edition on summer 2020
ETRA is a biennial symposium focused on all aspects of eye movement research across a wide range of disciplines. The goal of ETRA is to bring together computer scientists, engineers and behavioral scientists in support of a common vision of enhancing eye tracking research and applications.
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