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Electrodermal activity EDA / GSR (Electrodermal Activity) measures the electrical activity of the skin and is often used as a measure of emotional and psychological arousal. Applications of EDA include studying stress and anxiety, monitoring emotional responses to advertising and media, and assessing the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions.
Electrodermal activity EDA / GSR data is collected by two electrodes attached to two separate fingers on one hand. These electrodes detect stimuli in the form of changes in moisture, which increase skin conductance and changes the electric flow between the two electrodes. Therefore, GSR data is dependent on sweat gland activity, which is correlated to participant level of stress (Bakker, Pechenizkiy, & Sidorova, 2011). PPG signals are collected through photodetectors on skin surfaces (usually a finger or ear-lobe) which measure volumetric variations in blood circulation, giving an accurate and non-intrusive method to monitor participant heart rates (Castaneda, Aibhlin, Ghamari, Soltanpur, & Nazeran, 2018). Together, GSR and PPG data produce an accurate depiction of participant level of stress.
Electrodermal activity EDA / GSR is a readout of the body’s sympathetic nervous system measured as sweat-induced changes in the electrical conductance properties of the skin. Interest is growing in using EDA to track physiological conditions such as stress levels, sleep quality, and emotional states. The integrate-and-fire physiology underlying EDA production suggests that its interpulse intervals should obey an inverse Gaussian probability model. In an analysis of EDA data recorded in 11 healthy volunteers during quiet wakefulness, we established that the inverse Gaussian model accurately characterized the interpulse intervals. Our findings show a physiologically based statistical model provides a parsimonious and accurate description of EDA.
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